Thursday, February 25, 2010


My big thing this year is blogging, also no more speed reading articles but read them word for word and pay more attention especially to those topics I dislike (e.g. politics). Sounds easy uh! but to this girl time is a valuable good; always rushing to get somewhere, and running from anything that wastes my precious brain space (as I get older it seems to decrease).

Why the shift, life seems more interesting when you don't limit your awareness and I tend to be the go-to person, so why not expand my intelligence.

I am looking for a way of expressing those thoughts I tend to hold back during conversations (by now my friends are cringing with the thought of me having more in my mind-in short I am talkative in a fun and good way). Well blogging lets me do that.

January seemed to pass by so fast and to summarize it-I am so glad I did not have a new year's resolution. The only thing that I committed to work on (emphasis-work on) is to blog weekly and as you can tell that has not gone as planned. :-)